פרופ' נורית יערי

בדימוס בחוג לאמנות התיאטרון
חוג לאמנות התיאטרון בדימוס
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408612
פקס: 03-6406964
משרד: מקסיקו

קורות חיים

Ph.D. Universit. de Paris VIII, Paris, D.partement des Etudes Théâtrales.
Dissertation: Le Théâtre des Miroirs: (Duplication et D.doublement dans le Théâtre Occidental).
Supervisor: Prof. Andr. Veinstein.
M.A. Tel Aviv University, Department of Theatre Arts.
Dissertation: The Twins in Comedy from Plautus to Goldoni (Cum Laude).
Supervisors: Prof. Moshe Lazar, Prof. Erich Segal.
B.A. Tel Aviv University, Department of Theatre Arts
Academic position
Since 2007
Professor, Department of Theatre Arts, Tel Aviv University.
Since 1998
Tenured Senior Lecturer, Department of Theatre Arts and French Department, Tel Aviv University.
Since 1995
Tenured Associate Lecturer, Department of Theatre Arts and French Departments, Tel Aviv University.
Since 1992
Tenured Lecturer Department of Theatre Arts, Tel Aviv University.
Since 1988
Instructor, Department of Theatre Arts, Tel Aviv University.
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Art History and Department of Comparative Literature, Haifa University.
Visiting Lecturer, Department of General Studies, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.
Visiting Lecturer, Littérature Hébraïque, Institut des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris.
Professional Experience
Scholarships Committee, Faculty of the Arts.
Chair, Interdisciplinary Program, Faculty of the Arts.
Artistic Director, University Theatre, Tel Aviv University.
Academic Committee of the Sourasky Central Library.
Admission Committee, Tel Aviv University.
Since 2003
Committee for ARCNET, European Network for the Reception of Ancient Greek Theatre.
Research Committee, Tel Aviv University.
Teaching Committee, Faculty of the Arts.
Chair, Department of Theatre Studies, Tel Aviv University.
Professional Work in the Theatre
Since 1988
Reader and Advisor on dramatic issues in The Beer-Sheva Municipal Theatre and Beit Lessin Theatre.
Advisory Theatre Board, Tel-Aviv Foundation for Arts and Literature; Artistic Committee of the Experimental Theatre Center (“MATAN”).
Dramaturg and member of the Artistic Committee of Habimah, Israel’s National Theatre.
Since 1996
Dramaturg and Artistic Consultant of the Khan Theatre of Jerusalem.
Dramaturg and advisor to Director Ilan Ronen: Hanoch Levin’s The Weepers, Cameri Theatre, Tel-Aviv.
Researcher and advisor to Director Rina Yerushalmi : Mythos.
Since 2001
Hebrew committee of Maison Antoine Vitez: Institute for the translation of World Drama into French. (In the framework of this committee thirteen plays by Hanoch Levin were translated into French and published in four volumes. A fifth volume with three plays will be published next spring.)
Chair, Rozenblum Prize Committee, Municipality of Tel Aviv-Jaffa.
Artistic Director (with playwright Yehoshua Sobol) of "IsraDrama, Lumières sur le thèâtre israélien", organized by the Institute of Israeli Drama, Tel Aviv.
Artistic Director of "IsraDrama – Spotlight on Israeli Drama", Institute of Israeli Drama, Tel Aviv.
Member of Israel Prize Theatre Committee.
Artistic Director of "IsraDrama – Spotlight on Israeli Drama", Institute of Israeli Drama, Tel Aviv.





































































תחומי מחקר

Current Research:
Between Jerusalem and Athens: Israeli theatre in search of tradition
October 1994 – June 1998
Research Grant from the Israeli Science Foundation
Project: The Performative Language of Ancient Greek Tragedy
May 1998 – June 1999
Research Grant from the Tel Aviv University Research Foundation
Project: The Peformative Language of AncientGreek Tragedy
October 2009- September 2011
Research Grant from the Israeli Science Foundation.
Project: Between Jerusalem and Athens: Israeli theatre in search of tradition


Nurit Yaari, Contemporary French Theatre 1960–1992, Paris: AFAA and Entr’Actes, 1995.
Nurit Yaari, Le Théâtre de Hanokh Levin: Ensemble à l’ombre des canons. Paris: éditions Théâtrales, 2008.
Edited Books
Nurit Yaari (ed.), On Interpretation in the Arts, Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University, 2000.
Shimon Levy and Nurit Yaari (eds.) The Man with the Knife in the Middle: The Theatre of Hanoch Levin, Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2004 [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari (ed.), On Actors, Kings and Gypsies: The Theatre of Nissim Aloni, Tel Aviv, Porter Institute/Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2006. [Hebrew]
Chapters in Books
Nurit Yaari, “Place and Space in Ancient Greek Theatre”, Aspects of Theatre and Culture in the Graeco-Roman World, Arthur Segal (ed.) University of Haifa, 1994, pp. 7-27. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, “Antonin Artaud in search of Total Theatre”, Antonin Artaud, Le Thtéâre et son Double, Tel Aviv: Bavel, 1996, pp. 171-187. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, “Contemporary Israeli Drama in Search of Identity: Nissim Aloni and Hanoch Levin between Hellenism and Judaism”, Hellenic and Jewish Arts, Asher Ovadiah (ed.), Tel Aviv: Ramot publishing House, Tel Aviv University, 1998, pp. 231-245.
Shimon Levy and Nurit Yaari, “The Onstage Atrocities of Hanoch Levin: Israeli Metamorphoses of Greek Tragedies”, (Dis)Placing Classical Greek Theatre, Savas Patsalidis and Elizabeth Sakellaridou (eds.) Thessaloniki, University Studio Press, 1999, pp. 133-144.
Nurit Yaari, "Staging Dying: Hanoch Levin versus Aeschylus on Human Suffering", On Interpretation in the Arts, Nurit Yaari (ed.), Tel Aviv University, 2000. pp. 327-343.
Nurit Yaari, "Les piéces Françaises contemporaines sur la scéne israélienne: tour d’horizon", La Culture Francophone en Israël, David Mendelson (ed.), Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001, pp. 287-307.
Shimon Levy and Nurit Yaari, "Levin and Greek Tragedy", The Man with the Knife in the Middle: The Theatre of Hanoch Levin, eds. Shimon Levy and Nurit Yaari, Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2004, pp. 81-97. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, "Nissim Aloni: An Artistic Biography", On Actors, Kings and Gypsies: The Theatre of Nissim Aloni, Nurit Yaari (ed.), Tel Aviv, Porter Institute/Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2006, pp. 9-32. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, "We traveled far from home: Eddy King and the Israeli Theatre Tel Aviv 1975", On Actors, Kings and Gypsies: The Theatre of Nissim Aloni, Nurit Yaari (ed.),Tel Aviv, Porter Institute/Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2006, pp. 239-257.[Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, "Scenic Images, Visual Metaphors and the Creation of a Performance Language: Beheading by Hanoch Levin", Pictorial Languages and Their Meaning, Gil Fishoff (ed.), Tel Aviv: Assaph Books, Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University, 2006, pp. 439-448.
Nurit Yaari, "Aristophanes between Israelis and Palestinians", A Companion to Classical Reception, eds. Lorna Hardwick and Christopher Stray, Oxford, Blackwell, 2007.
Nurit Yaari, "Le Théâtre Israëlien", LΈtat d’Israël (ed.) Alain Dieckhoff, Paris, Fayard, 2007.
Refereed Articles
Nurit Yaari, “Greek Tragedy in Theory and Praxis: Aristotle’s Theory of Tragedy in the Perspective of Aristophanes’ Theatre Practice”, Maske und Kothurn 35.1 (1989), pp. 7-19.
Nurit Yaari, “Theory and Praxis: Aristotle and Aristophanes on the Opsis of Tragedy”, Dapim Lemechkar Besifrut 8 (1992), pp. 84-93 [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, “Cries in Ancient Greek Theatre”, Motar 1 (1993), pp. 61-65. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, "Medea Materials: Actress and Director reading the Classical Tradition", Hanna Maron: An Actress’ Role, University Art Gallery, Tel Aviv, 1994, pp. 25-29. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, “The Mask in the Ancient Theatre”, Assaph 9 (1994), pp. 51- 62.
Nurit Yaari, “Anchoring Thebes: Defining Place and Space in Ancient Greek Theatre”, Drama 3 (1995), pp. 94-110.
Nurit Yaari, “Tragedy as Performance: the mise en espace of Aeschylus’ Agamemnon", Assaph 11 (1995), pp. 99-116.
Nurit Yaari, "The Performative Language in Aeschylus’ Oresteia", Motar 6 (1998), pp. 179-186. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, “Theatrical Spaces in Search of Spectators: Ancient Theatres in Israel”, Journal of Mediterranean Studies 8.1 (1998), pp. 73-83.
Nurit Yaari, "’What am I to say while I pour these offerings of sorrow?’: Stage Image, Word and Action in Aeschylus’ Libation scenes", Journal of Dramatic Theory & Criticism XIV.1 (Fall 1999), pp. 49-64.
Nurit Yaari, “Myth into Dance: Martha Graham’s Interpretation of the Classical Tradition” International Journal of the Classical Tradition 10.1 (Fall 2003), pp. 221–242.
Shimon Levy and Nurit Yaari, “Theatrical responses to Political events: The Trojan War on the Israeli Stage during the Lebanon War 1982-1984", Journal of Drama and Theatre 4 (1998), pp. 99-123.
Nurit Yaari, “Mettre en Scéne l’agonie: Les Pleurnicheurs d’Hanokh Levin”, Les Cahiers Théâtre 40 (été 2001), pp. 57-70. [French translation of the paper published in On Interpretation in the Arts, see 2000.]
Shimon Levy and Nurit Yaari, “Human, Object, Human”, Hanoch Levin: Human, Object, Human, University Art Gallery, Tel Aviv, 2003, pp. 11-19. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, “Hanokh Levin: contestation par l’écriture dramatique”, Revue d’Histoire du Théâtre 1-2 (2004), pp. 22–32.
Nurit Yaari, "Human Suffering as a Multi-Perspective Theatrical Image: Levin’s The Dreamer ", Mikan 7 (2006), pp. 135-148. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, "Le théâtre de Hanokh Levin: Du Politique au Mythique", Théâtre/Public 181 (2006), pp. 101-106.
Nurit Yaari, "Oedipus Tyrannus, Habima 1947, between ’Athens’ and ’Jerusalem’", Zmanim 99 (2007), pp. 6-15. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari,"Juifs et Arabes sur la scène israélienne",Yod 14 (2009)
Other Publications (Items in Encyclopedias, Books and Theatre Reviews, Theatre Programs)
Nurit Yaari, Entries on Jewish and Israeli Playwrights, Dictionnaire Historique, Thématique et Technique des Littératures, Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1982
Nurit Yaari, “Translating Israeli Plays into English” Book Review, Haaretz Books, May 12, 1993. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, “Women’s Place on Stage”, Book Review, Haaretz Books, April 12, 1995. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, “Le Théâtre de Hanoch Levin”, Hanoch Levin, Yacobi et Leidental et Les Marchands de Coutchouc, Montpelier, Théâtre de Treize Vents/Maison Antoine Vitez, 1995, pp. 5-8.
Nurit Yaari, “European Theatre: 1960-1993”, Encylopedia Hebraica, Supp. Vol. III, pp. 1046-1053. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, “La Mousson d’été à Pont-à-Mousson”, Actes du Théàtre 7 (1997), 74-75.
Shimon Levy and Nurit Yaari, “Greek Theatre at Wartime: The Trojan War on the Israeli Stage”, Program Notes, Euripides’ Trojan Women, at the Théâtre des Amandiers, Nanterre, February 1998.
Nurit Yaari, “Hanoch Levin’s last play: The Weepers”, Teatron 1 (March 2000), 17-21. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, “Kroum– a play with two funerals and two weddings”, Program Notes, Hanoch Levin, Kroum, Cameri Theatre, Tel Aviv, March 2000. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, “Hommage à Nissim Aloni, dramaturg, metteur en scène, auteur et traducteur, 1926-1998.”, La Culture Francophone en Israël, David Mendelson (ed.), Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001, pp. 309-318.
Nurit Yaari, “La vie, un combat perdu d’avance”, Hanokh Levin, Théâtre Choisi I: Comedies, Paris: Editions Théâtrales/Maison Antoine Vitez, 2001, pp. 170-173.
Nurit Yaari,“La vie, un spectacle cruel“, Hanokh Levin, Théâtre Choisi II: Piéces Mythologiques, Paris, Editions Théâtrales/Maison Antoine Vitez, 2001, pp. 228-234.
Nurit Yaari, “Lysistrata 2002, Cameri Theatre, Tel Aviv”, Teatron 5, (May 2001), pp. 10-12. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, “Hanoch Levin’s Romantics”, Program Notes,Hanoch Levin, Romantics, Cameri Theatre, Tel Aviv, January 2002. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, “The Illusion of Acting or the Love of the Theatre”, Program Notes, Corneille, L’Illusion Comique, The Khan Theatre, Jerusalem, June 2003. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, “De Toi, Moi et la prochaine Guerre jusqu’à Meurtre: Trente ans d’Engagement Politiques”, Hanokh Levin, Théâtre Choisi III: Satires Politiques Paris, Editions Théâtrales/Maison Antoine Vitez, 2004, pp. 217-220.
Nurit Yaari, "Calderon de La Barca: Life is a Dream", Program Notes, Calderon de La Barca: Life is a Dream, The Khan Theatre of Jerusalem, October 2005. [Hebrew]
Nurit Yaari, Entries on Israeli playwrights and directors: Hanoch Levin, Yehoshua Sobol, Hillel Mittlepunkt, Rina Yerushalmi, Yossi Izraely, Encyclopaedia Judaica, Revised Edition, 2006
Nurit Yaari, "Contemporary Antigone", Program Notes. Sophocles’ Antigone Habima National Theatre and the Cameri Theatre of Tel Aviv, 2007.
Nurit Yaari "Romantic Comedy with no romance", Program Notes. Levin, Thrill My Heart, The Cameri Theatre of Tel-Aviv, 2007.
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