פרופ' סימונה כהן

בדימוס בחוג לתולדות האמנות
חוג לתולדות האמנות בדימוס
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408482
פקס: 09-7421454

קורות חיים

1960-62 Bezalel Academy of Art, Graphic Art Certificate 1962 Jerusalem
1962-64 School of Visual Arts, Illustration Certificate 1964 New York
(three year Course)
1968-73 Tel-Aviv University, Art History, Counseling, B.A. 1973
1973-74 Tel-Aviv University, Art History, M.A.

Tel-Aviv University, Art History, Phd. 1983

  Title of Doctoral Dissertation: The Image of Time in Renaissance Depictions of Petrarch's 'Trionfo del Tempo'.
Supervisor: Prof. Avraham Ronen.
Academic position
1977-79 Educational Television Authority
Supervisor/Writer: Art History Film Series.
1986-92 Open University of Israel
Adviser: Series of Publications - Renaissance Art in Italy, 1988 ff.
1990-01 The Institute for Geographical Studies, Tel-Aviv & Haifa.
The Center for Far Eastern Studies,Tel-Aviv.
Lecturer: Art of the Indian Sub-continent.
1974-83 Tel-Aviv University, Art History & Education
1983-84 Paris
Post-Doctoral Research.
1985-05 Tel-Aviv University, Art History & School of Education
1995-01 Tel-Aviv University, East Asian Studies
2002-06 Senior Lecturer in Department of Art History and School of Education
































1. "The Nobility of the Chisel and the Brush - The Status of the Artist in the Renaissance," in M. Harsagor (ed.), Introduction to the Renaissance, Tel-Aviv, 1978, 41-48 (Hebrew).
2."Cristoforo Cortese Reconsidered," Arte Veneta, 1985, 22-31.
3. "The Triumph of Time in Renaissance Art," Zmanim, historical quarterly, Tel-Aviv University, winter 1986, no.20, 36-42 (Hebrew).
4. "The Romanesque Zodiac: Its Symbolic Function on the Church Facade," Arte Medievale, II serie, IV, n.1, 1990, 43-54.
5."A New Perspective on Giorgione's 'Three Philosophers'," Gazette des Beaux-Arts, vol. CXXVI, September, 1995, 53-64.
6. "Virtuousness and Wisdom in the Giorgionesque Fresco of Castelfranco, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, vol. CXXVIII, July-August, 1996, 1-20.
7. Swati R. Mehta, India's Artistic Heritage, exhibition catalogue, the Yechiel Nahari Museum of Far Eastern Art in Ramat Gan, 1995.
8. "Titian's Allegory of Sin," " Zmanim, 59, Summer, 1997, 28-37 (Hebrew).
9. "Inscribed Images as a Key to Hidden Meanings in Titian's Painting, Mutar, no.6, 1998, 45-50 (Hebrew).
10. "Some Aspects of Michelangelo's Creative Process," Artibus et Historiae, 37, 1998, 43-63.
11 ."Animals in the Paintings of Titian; a Key to Hidden Meanings," Gazette des Beaux-Arts, vol. CXXXV, 1998, 193-213.
12. "Artistic Interaction in Israel: A Collection of Indian Sculpture in Kibbutz Hazorea," Asaph, Studies in Art History, section B, no.3, 1998, 263-86.
13. Venetian Art in the Renaissance, Metropolis, 1999, vol.2, 89-92 (Hebrew).
14. "Titian's London Allegory and the Three Beasts of his 'Selva Oscura'," Renaissance Studies, vol.14, no.1, 2000, 46-69.
15. "The Ambivalent Scorpio in Bronzino's London Allegory", Gazette des Beaux-Arts, vol. CXXXV, 2000, 171-188.
16. "The Scorpion Apsaras at Khajuraho: Migrations of a Symbol," Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bombay, Mumbai, vol.74, 2000, 19-38.
17. The Early Renaissance Personification of Time and Changing Concepts of Temporality, Renaissance Studies, Oxford, vol.14, no.3, 2000, 301-328.
18. The Birds and Animals of Carpaccios Miles Christianus, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, February 2002, 225-050.
19. "Andrea del Sarto's 'Madonna of the Harpies' and the Human-Animal Hybrid in the Renaissance," Apollo, July, 2004, 38-45.
20. "The Enigma of Carpaccio's Venetian Ladies," Renaissance Studies, 2005.
Accepted for Publication:
1. "Creative Process in Michelangelo Drawings," Proceedings of the International Conference Michelangelo e as Poeticas do Seculo XVI, (Sao Paulo, Brazil) Sao Paulo & Roma.
2. "Animals, Birds and the Enigma of Carpaccio's Knight," in Human Beings and Other Animals from a Historical Perspective, Proceedings of the Conference (Hebrew).
3. "The Art of Padua in the Renaissance," Metropolis, (Hebrew).
Forthcoming Book: Animals as Disguised Symbols in Renaissance Art, Brill, 2007
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