פרופ' יונה פינסון

בדימוס בחוג לתולדות האמנות
חוג לתולדות האמנות בדימוס
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408482
טלפון נוסף: 03-6409481
פקס: 03-6407781
משרד: מכסיקו, 214

קורות חיים

University of Paris, Sorbonne IV, France Ph.D. (Direct Ph.D. Program)
Doctoral Dissertation: Les Portes du Trésor de Saint –Bertin et la peinture du Nord de la France (Première moitié XVIe Siècle).
Supervisor: Professor Jacques Thuillier of the Collège de France.
Awarded: June, 1983
DEA, University of Paris, Sorbonne IV, France
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem; M.A. studies in History of Art
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem; Teaching Diploma in Art History and Hebrew Literature. Award1970.
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem; Hebrew Literature and History of Art, B.A. Degree. Award 1969
Academic position
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Art History Department, Associate Professor
Head of the Art History Department
Head of the Art History Department
Head of the Renaissance Division
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Art History Department, Senior Lecturer
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Visiting Lecturer
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Art History Department, Lecturer
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Art History Department, Visiting Lecturer
Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem, Teaching Assignment.
Haifa University, Haifa, Teaching Assignment.
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Art History Department, Teaching Assignment.
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Art History Department, Doctoral Instructor.
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Art History Department, Instructor.
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Art History Department, Teaching Assignment.









































"Le triumphe de Haulte folie: Emblematic and Misogynist Discourses", Emblematica. An Interdisciplinary Journal for Emblems Studies, 2007,Vol. 15, (pp.1-27).
The Emblematic Discourse of Le Triumphe de Haulte folie (The Triumph of Dame Folly, Lyons, c.1550), Emblematica. An Interdisciplinary Journal for Emblems Studies, Vol. 15 2007 (pp.1-27)
"Devil and God, Filth and Purity in Pucelle’s Hours of Jeanne dEvreux (ca.1325-1328)", Manuscripts in Transition. Recycling Manuscripts, Text and Image. Corpus of Illuminated Manuscripts, Vol. 15, Low Countries Series, 10, Brigtte Dekeyzer and Jan Van der Stock, eds. [A special issue; selected papers with reviewing], 2005 (pp.159-171).
"Deniers of God. Insipiens / Stultus, On Board of the Ship of Fools (1494)", Acta Historiae Artium, vol. 44, 2003, (pp. 97- 108).
"Holbein’s Insipiens — Folly and Childishness go Hand by Hand", Source. Notes in the History of Art, vol. XXII, No.3 Spring 2003, (1-7).
"Folly and Vanity in Bruegel’s Dulle Griet: Proverbial Metaphors and their Relationship to Bosch’s Imagery", Studies in Iconography, vol. 20, 1999, (pp. 185–213).
"The Interrupted Banquet in Bruegel’s Triumph of Death", The Profane Arts of the Middle Ages, vol. 6, No. 2, 1997, (pp. 303–315).
"Fall of the Angels and the Creation of Eve in Bosch’s Eden — Meaning and Iconographical Sources", Corpus of Illuminated Manuscripts from the Low Countries, Flanders in a European Manuscript Illumination Around 1400 in Flanders and Abroad. Corpus of Illuminates Manuscripts.Corpus of Illuminated Manuscripts, Vol. 8, Low Countries Series, 5,M. Smeyers and B. Cardon eds. Leuven, Peeters, 1995 (pp.693–707). [A special issue, selected papers with reviewing].
"The Water‑mill in Breughel’s Witch of Malleghen (1559) or Incurable Folly", Source. Notes in the History of Art, vol. XII, 1993 (pp. 30–33)
"La Dame et le Fou", Gazette des Beaux - Arts, vol. CXII, 1993 (pp. 1–16)
"האשה והשוטה באמנות האירופית במאות ה-16וה-17" מוזות מכללת בית ברל, 1989 (47–34)
"L’Evolution du Style Renaissant dans les Entrées des Charles Quint à Valenciennes", Gazette des Beaux- Arts, vol. CXIII, 1989 (pp. 201–213).
"Polyptyque de la Légende de Saint Sébastien et de la Peste (Avesnes‑sur‑Helpe)", Gazette des Beaux- Arts, vol. CXI, 1988 (pp. 229–238).
"Les Puys d’Amiens 1518–1525; Problèmes d’Attribution et l’Evolution de la Loi de Genre", Gazette des Beaux- Arts, vol. CIX, 1987 (pp. 47–61).
"La Nef de Folles (The Ship of Female Fools) be JehanDrouyn (Paris c. 1500)", The International Emblem: From Incunabula to the internet, (ed. Simon McKeown), Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010 , pp. 82-96.
"A Moralized Semi-Secular Triptych by Hieronymus Bosch, in The Sources of Bosch", Jheronymus Bosch Art Center, s’Hertogenbosch (ed. Jos Koldeweij and Willeke Cornelissen - van de Steeg, (solicited paper; accepted).
"Moralized Triumphal Chariots – Metamorphosis of Petrarch’s Trionfi in Northern art (ca. 1530-ca. 1560)", Cultural Exchange between the Netherlands and Italy, 1400-1530, Ingrid Alexander-Skipns (ed.), Turnhout, 2007, (pp. 203-223).
"The Femme Fatale - Eve/Venus/Luxuria", Pictoriallanguages and their MeaningsLiber Amicorum in honor Nurith Kenaan-Kedar, Christine B. Verzar and Gil Fishhof, (eds.), Tel Aviv University, 2006 (pp. 339-352).
"Witchcraft / Sorcery", Encyclopedia of Comparative Iconography. Themes Depicted in Works of Art, Chicago, London, Roberts, Fitzroy Dearborn, ed. by Helen E. Roberts, 1998, vol.2, (pp. 947–956). (Solicited essay)
"Music (an essay)", Encyclopedia of Comparative Iconography. Themes Depicted in Works of Art, Chicago, London, Roberts, Fitzroy Dearborn, ed. by Helen E. Roberts , 1998, vol. 2, (pp. 629-637).
Hieronymus Bosch: Marginal Imagery Shifted into the Center and the Notion of Upside Down. Metamorphosis of Marginal Images: From Antiquity to Present Time, Nurith Kenan-Kedar and Asher Ovadia (eds.), 2001, (pp. 203–211).
עיטור שולי הדף בספר השעות של ג’אן ד’אוורה מידי ז’אן פוסל — האמנם דרולרי? מותרמס. 3 , 1995 (71–80).
אדריכלות וסצינוגרפיה ביצירת פוסן, מותר, מס. 2, 1994 (27–34).
קארווגיו — זעקת האני, מותר, מס. 1, 1993 (99–93).
אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש
שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות, נא לפנות בהקדם לכתובת שכאן >>