ד"ר נלי קרביץ

מידע כללי
קורות חיים
Education |
1985-89 |
State Art Research Institute of Russian Federation, Moscow. Post-Graduate Studies. Doctoral Dissertation:Instrumental Concertos of S.Prokofiev. Supervisor: Professor, Dr. M.E.Tarakanov |
1975-80 |
Tchaikovsky State Conservatory, Moscow Graduate Studies, Department of Music Theory. Master thesis:Interaction of Harmony and Texture in the Latest Sonatas by A.Scriabin. Supervisor: Professor, Dr. M.E.Tarakanov |
1964-74 |
Gnesin’s Special Musical School, Moscow |
Academic position |
1995-2005 |
Kamea Program at the Tel-Aviv University, Department of Musicology |
1997-99 |
Gilady Program at the Tel-Aviv University Department of Musicology |
Gilady Program at Bar-Ilan University, Department of Musicology |
1991-96 |
Shapiro Program at Bar-Ilan University, Department of Musicology |
1980-90 |
Gnesins Musical College, Moscow. Lecturer on Music History and Theory, Harmony and Ear Trainig. Accompanist |
1. Riadom s Velikimi: L.T. Atovmyan I Ego Vremia (Side by Side with the Greats. L.T.Atovmyan and His Time) (Moskva:The Russian Academy of Theatre Arts (GITIS) Publishing House, 2012 ( in Russian).
1. "Pretvorenie igrovogo prinzipa v konzertach Prokofieva" ("The Implementation of "Play" in Prokofiev’s Concertos" . In: Cultural Information Section .Moscow, 1987 (in Russian)
2. "Konzerti Prokofieva kak novaya stadiya simphonizatzii zhanra ("Prokofiev’s Concertos as a New Stage of the Process of "Symphonism"). In: Collection of Articles by Institute of Art History. (Moscow: Academy of Science, 1987): 50-64) (in Russian)
3. Igra kak tvorcheskii metod Prokofieva” (“The Play-principle as Prokofiev’s Creative Method”). In: Moskovckii Muzikoved 1 (Moscow: Muzyka, 1990): 20-35. (In Russian)
4. "On Prokofiev’s Immigration”. In: Verfente Musik. Komponisten in den Diktaturen Unseres Jahkhunderts. Dokumentation des Kolloquiums vom 9-12 January, 1993 in Dresden.(Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1995): 333-341.
5. “Novii vzgliad na Desiatuju simfoniju D. Shostakovicha.”(“The New Insight into the Tenth Symphony of D. Shostakovich” ; “Beseda Nelly Kravetz s El’miroi Nazirovoi” (An Interview with Elmira Nazirova) ( in Russian). In: D.D.Shostakovich. Sbornic statei k 90-letiju so dniarozhdenijya.(Sankt-Petersburg: Kompozitor, 1996 ): 228-248.
6. “A New Insight into the Tenth Symphony of Shostakovich”; “Interview with Elmira Nazirova”. In: Shostakovich in Context.Ed. by Rosamund Bartlett (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000):158 – 174.
] 7.with Inna Chernitskaya] “Zhertvi stalinskich repressii: o lagernoi zhizni L.I.Prokofievoi i o sobstvennoi sud’be” (“A Victims of Stalin’s Repressions: Life in Camp and the Fate of Lina Prokofiev”). In:Musikal’naya Akademia 3 (Moscow, 2000 ): 236-241.
8.“From the Jewish Folk Poetry” of Shostakovich and “Jewish Songs” op. 17 of Weinberg: Music and Power”. In: Dmitri Schostakowitsch und das Judische Musikalische Erbe. Dmirti Shostakovich and the Jewish Heritage in Music. Schostakowitsch-Studien, bd. 3, ed. By Ernst Kuhn, Andreas Wehrmeyer und Gunter Wolter ( Berlin: Verlag Ernst Kuhn, 2001): 279-296.
9.“Perepiska I.E.Shermana I S.S.Prokofieva (“The Correspondence between I.E.Sherman and S.S.Prokofiev”). From RGALI Archive, Moscow. Introduction, comments and publication by Nelly Kravetz. In:Musikal’naya Akademiya 4 (Moscow,2004): 133-140.
10. “Correspondence between S.S.Prokofiev and I.E. Sherman”. In: Sergej Prokofijew in der Sowjetuninon. Verstrickungen-MiBverstandnisse-Katastophen. Ein internationals Simposium, band 1 ( Berlin: Verlag Ernst Kuhn, 2004 ):223-252.
11.“Prokofiev and Sherman: The First Soviet Production of “Romeo and Juliet”. In: Three Oranges: the Journal of the Serge Prokofiev Foundation(November 2004): 16-21.
12. Prokofjews Russische Ouverture op. 72 und die neue sozialistische Realitat. In: Schrag zur Linie des Sozialistischen Realismus? Prokofjews spatere Sonaten sowie Oechester-und Buhnenwerke, Prokofjew-Studien,band 3(Berlin: Verlag Ernst Kuhn, 2005): 61-83.
13.“S.Prokofiev and E.Senkar”. The First Performance of “Russian Overture”op. 72 in Eretz Israel in 1938. In: Min-ad. Israel Studies inMusicology Online (March, 2006).
14. "S.Prokofiev and E.Senkar. Pervoje ispolnenie "Russkoi iverturi op. 72 v Palestine v 1938 godu ("S.Prokofiev and E.Senkar. The First Performance of "Russian Overture" op. 72 in Eretz Israel in 1938"). In:.Fonosfera. In Memory of Michael Tarakanov, v.2. Moscow , (2006) (In Russian)
15. The Musical Activity of the Zimro Chamber Ensemble and S.Prokofiev’s Overture on Jewish Themes. In: Iz Istorii Evreiskoi Musyki (From the History of Jewish Music). (Sankt-Petersburg: RIII, 2006, 265-282 (in Russian).
16. [with Simon Morrison]. “The Cantata for the Twentieth Anniversary of October, or How the Specter of Communism Haunted Prokofiev. In: The Journal of Musicology 23:2 (2006): 227-262.
17. An Unknown Ivan the Terrible Oratorio”. Three Oranges: the Journal of the Serge Prokofiev Foundation 19 ( May 2010): 3 - 14.
18. “The Ivan the Terrible Oratorio: Path to the London Premiere”. Three Oranges: the Journal of the Serge Prokofiev Foundation 23 ( May 2012): 29 – 31.
19. “Levon Atovmyan: Zabitije stranitzi istorii” (“Levon Atovmyan: Pages of the Forgotten History”). In: Zvukovaja sreda sovremennosti”. (The Contemporary Sound Space. In Memory of M.E.Tarakanov (1928—1996), ed. E.M.Tarakanova. (Moscow: Gosudarstvennii institut iskusstvoznanija, 2012), 418-436. ( In Russian).