ד"ר איגור גלפרין

עמית הוראה בביה"ס למוזיקה בוכמן-מהטה
ביה"ס למוזיקה בוכמן-מהטה עמית הוראה
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408332
פקס: 03-6407358
משרד: בוכמן-מהטה, 33

קורות חיים



Graduated Department of Theory of Music of Musical College at Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Qualification: Teacher of Piano and Theory of Music in musical school.

1983 Graduated Department of Pedagogy of Music of Moscow Pedagogical University. M.A . Qualification: Teacher of music in secondary school and teacher of piano in primary school

Artistic and Imaginative (Theatrical) Thinking of Students of the Instrumental Classes of the College & Institute of Pedagogy in Moscow Pedagogical University.

Academic Position
Teacher in the Department of Musicology



On Expanding the Pedagogic Repertoire (New Piano Cycle for Children) (in Preparatory Instrumental Collection for the Music Teacher, Moscow State Pedagogic Institute, Moscow, 1985, pp. 64-72).

Education in Songs in Preschool Education, 1986, #1, pp. 70-73.

On the Educational Meaning of Records & Recording (in Preparatory Instrumental Collection for the Music Teacher, Moscow State Pedagogic Institute, Moscow, 1987, pp. 170-175).

A Connection Between the Times in Israel Musical Institute News, 1995, pp. 4-6.

Noam Sheriff( in Motar ,Journal of Faculty of the Arts of Tel-Aviv University, No 12, 2004, pp.79-83 ,on Hebrew)

List of Musical Writings:

1984  Songs for Children (6')

1987  Piano Forte Cycle for Children. (14')

1988  "Passacaglia" for piano. (10')

1995  Piano Sonata No 1 (20')

1996  "Metamorphoses" for piano. (8')

1996  "The Letters of a Wandering Poet", from Japanese poetry, lyrics adapted from. M. Bacho - Choral Cycle for Female Choir. (18')

1997  "Fantasy" for synthesizer. (29')

1997  "Symphony", for synthesizer (30')

1997  "Images" for synthesizer. (8')

1988  "Duo" for violin and piano. (5')

1998  "Ecclesiastic." Cantata for a mix Choir a cappella and tenor (40').

1999  "Two kleizmer's melodies" for Piano. (7')

2000  "Nocturne" for string orchestra (10')

2001  Piano sonata No 2 (25')

2002  "Three moments of still small silence" for piano (4')

2003  "Ball on verge of disaster' for chamber ensemble and synthesizer (11')

2003  "Swing for clown" for alto saxophone and piano (06' 30'')

2004  "String quartet" ( 17'30)

2004  Psalm #103 for mixed choir and piano (654)

2004  Vocal cycle on lyrics by J. Brodsky for baritone and piano (25')

Competitions & Awards

1983 Received 1st Prize at: 5th USSR Competition of Pianists - Students of Pedagogic Universities in Kuibyshev, Russia.

2004 Winner of the Israel Prime Minister award for composers.


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