פרופ' איתן גרין

אמריטוס בביה"ס לקולנוע וטלוויזיה ע"ש סטיב טיש
מורה מן החוץ בביה"ס לקולנוע וטלוויזיה ע"ש סטיב טיש
ביה"ס לקולנוע וטלוויזיה ע"ש סטיב טיש אמריטוס
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408403
פקס: 03-5227846
משרד: מקסיקו

קורות חיים


Tel Aviv University: Department of Film & Television
Tel Aviv University: Department of Theatre Arts
Academic position
Tel Aviv University: Adjunct Associate Professor
Jerusalem Film School: Teacher - Script writing
Tel Aviv University: Head of Script Writing Department, M.F.A.
Tel Aviv University: Senior Lecturer
Tel Aviv University: Teacher
Tel Aviv University: Part time teacher - Scropt writing, Film directing, Film analysis
Tel-Aviv University: Head of Script Writing Department, B.F.A.
Camera Obscura: Head of Script Writing Department
Jerusalem Film School: Teacher - Script writing
Camera Obscura: Teacher - Film directing, Film.
Beit-Zvi Film Dept.: Teacher - Film directing, Film Analysis
Tel Aviv University: Teacher of script writing, film directing and film analysis
Channel 2, Artistic consultant and script editor for A Touch Away (TV series).
Channel 2, Cheif script editor, Jerusalem Brew (TV series).
Channel 2, Artistic director and chief script editor, Movie Tales (TV series).
Affick Group for Channel 3, Head of Drama Dept.
Channel 2, Script editor, Shior Moledet (TV series).
MFTV, Israel Cable Television, Channel 3, Chief lector and script editor of original dramas.
Israel Cable Television, Channel 8, Editor and host of the talk show Katsar ve-Kolnoa.
Public Educational Television, Editor and writer of cinema segment for the weekly program Zehu-Ze.
Israel Broadcastind Authority, Channel 1, Editoer and writer of the weekly film magazine Small Screen, Big Screen.







































תחומי מחקר

Awards and Grants
2009 - The Ministry of Culture Award for Film Makers.
2009 - The Houston International Film Festival - Platinum Remi Award for It All Begins at Sea.
2008 - Haifa International Film Festival - Special Award for Contribution to Israeli Cinema.
2008 - Montreal World Film Festival - Innovation Award for It All Begins at Sea.
2004 - Israel National Lottery Landau Award - Special Contribution to Israeli Cinema.
2003 - Tel Aviv University Rector's Certificate for Excellence in Teaching.
1999 - America-Israel Cultural Foundation - Special Grant for Film makers.
1999 - The Ministry of Education and Culture - Award for film makers and script writers.
1992 - Israel Film Critics Guild - Best Film American Citizen.
1985 - The Israel Academy of Motion Pictures - Best Script When Night Falls.


Film Making Experience

Writer / Director:
2007 - It All Begins at Sea. (feature film)
2004 - Henri's Dream. (feature film)
1996 - As Tears Go By. (feature film)
1992 - American Citizen. (feature film)
1984 - When Night Falls. (feature film)
1980 - Lena. (feature film)
1977 - Nacum Glickson: Two Days in Israel. (40-minute drama)
1976 - Before the Draft. (12-minute documentary)

1997 - Marzipan Woman. (50-minute drama)


1990 - Nadia. (feature film)
1989 - Ruti Naim. (60-minute drama)
1988 - Looking for a Big Man. (feature film, unproduced)



Script Editing:
2006 - A Touch Away. (TV series)
2005 - Death Number. (feature film)
2004 - Jerusalem Brew. (TV series)
2003 - Mimon. (79-minute MFTV film)
2002 - Kazchen. (50-minute drama)
2002 - True or False. (50-minute drama)
2002 - Diana's Child. (50-minute drama)
2002 - Skin. (50-minute drama)
2002 - What Do You Say. (50-minute drama)
2002 - The Witch from Melchet Street. (50-minute drama)
2000 - Take Away. (TV series)
2000 - Shining Star. (50-minute drama)
2000 - Simmering. (50-minute drama)
2000 - I'm Purim. (50-minute drama)
1999 - Sabbath and Holidays (TV series)
1999 - Forrest. (90-minute, MFTV film)
1999 - Policeman. (90-minute, MFTV film)
1999 - Farewell My Cousin. (50-minute drama)
1999 - Operation Grandma. (50-minute drama)
1998 - Ahaaron Cohen's Dept. (90-minute MFTV film)
1998 - Small Country - Great Man. (TV mini series)
1998 - Shior Moledet (TV series)
1997 - Overture 1812. (50-minute drama)
1997 - We are Not Like That. (50-minute drama)
1997 - Kalinka Maya. (50-minute drama)
1996 - Short Love Stories. (TV series)
1995 - Sights and Knights of Jaffa. (TV series)
1995 - Saint Clara. (feature film)
1992 - Amazing Grace.
(feature film)



Edited Books
Eitan Green (ed.), Les films de ma vie. Tel Aviv: Masada Publishers.
Film journal of the French director Francois Truffaut, with a foreward and notes by the editor.
Eitan Green (ed.), Man with a Camera. Tel Aviv: Masada Publishers.
A working diary of the noted director of photography Nestor Almendros, with a foreward and notes by the editor.
1990-1991, Ma’ariv. About fifty reviews and essays on film and film making.
1987-1989, Ha’ir Weekly Magazine. About seventy five weekly articles on films.
1982-1983, Tel Aviv. Yedioth Acharonot. About fifty film reviews.
1976-1979, Kol Israel (radio). Weekly film reviews.
Film Criticism
1983-1984, Monitin Monthly Magazine. About twenty essays, interviews and critiques on film and film making.
1975-1979, Close-up Film Journal, Member of editorial board; Author and editor of essays on film and film making.
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