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La couleur dans la peinture moderne - Thorie et pratique Adam Biro, Paris 1997, 272 p.
Translated into Korean 2002, 494 p. Gila Ballas
Nata Kaplan, The Artist and her Work Tel Aviv, 2000, 208 p. (Hebrew and English) Gila Ballas
Cezanne - Baigneuses et des Baigneurs : thme et composition Edition Adam Biro, Paris 2002, 327 p.
Wassily Kandinsky - The Language of Painting - On Problems of Colour and Composition, Dionon, Tel Aviv 2002,146 p. (Hebrew) Submmited: Gila Ballas (Intr. & Ed.)
Dr. Haim Gamzu: Art Critic and Museum Director Tel Aviv Museum of Art, November 2005 (Hebrew)
"Paul Cezanne l'amour et la mort", Approches, cahiers de poZsie, de critic et d'art, No. 6, 1987, pp. 80-116, edited by Haifa University, and the Centre Culturel Francais de Haifa, Institut d'Histoire et de Civlisation Francaises (French)
ׂThe October Revolution and Avangaurd in Art׃, Iton 77, vol.94-95, Nov.-Dec. 1987, pp. 20-21, 46 (Hebrew).
"The Golden Section in Art", in Annales d'esthtique, Vol.27-29, 1988-1989, pp. 157-17, Annual Bulletin, edited by the Panayotis Foundation and Effie Michelis in collaboration with the Hellenic Society of Esthetics, Athens, 1989 (English)
ׂJacques Louis David - Painter of the French Revolution׃, in Iton 77, vol.114, July 1989, pp. 20-21, 35 (Hebrew).
"Some Remarks on the History of the Group of Ten", in The Group of Ten, Exhibition Catalogue no. 41, pp. 6-19 (Hebrew), pp. 124-116 (English), The Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat-Gan, 1992
"Pinchas Abramovic - The Artist and his Oeuvre", in P. Abrmovic, Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 7-19 (Hebrew), 80-66 (English), the Art Museums Forum, Hertzelia Museum of Art, August- September, 1994
Social Realism in the Test of Time, Exhibition Catalogue, Haifa Museum of Art, 1998, pp 7-31 (Hebrew), 152-178 (English)
ׂThe Human Face as a Mirror of the Soul: Lines and their Directions as Expression and Signs of Sentiments and Ideas׃ױ in Motar װ Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Tel Aviv University, No. 6, June 1998, pp. 19-26 (hebrew and English abstract, p. 271).
ׂEast versus West in Israeli Art in the first Deceny of the Jewish State׃ױ, in Iton 77, vol.230, April 1999, pp. 24-29 (Hebrew).
ׂThe Peremen Collection and the Beginning of Modernism in Israeli Art׃, in Between Collection and Museum, Catalogue Exhibition, Tel Aviv Museum, 2002, pp. 34-52 (Hebrew).
ׂ The Modernism of Sionah Tagger׃, in Sionah Tagger - Retrospective, Exhibition Catalogue, Tel Aviv Museum,2003, pp.33-43 (Hebrew), 150-138, (English).
"Baigneuses and Baigneurs de Paul Czanne: les origines et la signification des sries thmatiques" in Psychanalyse des arts de l'image, pp. 69-82,118-119, ed. Clancier-Geenaud, Paris 1981 Gila Ballas
"Unknown Sources for Czanne's Women Bathers", in Norms and Variations in Art, Essays in Honour of Moshe Barasch, pp. 178-193, pl. XXXIX-XLVI, Magnes Press The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1983
Hebrew Encyclopedia 1976: articles on Corot, Constructivism, Kandinsky, Kubin, Th. Rousseau, H. Rousseau, Rops and Renoir
1968 - Curator of the exhibition War and Peace in the paintings of Israeli Jewish and Arab Children, Tel Aviv Museum.
1975 - Commissioner for the International Biennale of Graphic Arts, Firenze, Italie (Introduction)
1975 - Commissioner for the Biennale of Sao-Paolo, Brasil (Introduction)
1976 - Curator of the exhibition and catalogue Art and Psychopathology, Tel-Aviv Museum (Introduction)
1992 - Curator of the exhibition and catalogue The Groupe of Ten, Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat-Gan (article)
1994 - Curator of the exhibition and catalogue P. Abramovic, The Art Museums Forum, Herzelia Museum of Art (article)
1998 - Curator of the exhibition and catalogue Critic Realisme in Israeli Art in the Fifties, The Haifa museum of Art