פרופ' אילן אבישר

בדימוס בביה"ס לקולנוע וטלוויזיה ע"ש סטיב טיש
ביה"ס לקולנוע וטלוויזיה ע"ש סטיב טיש בדימוס
פרופ' אילן אבישר
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408403
משרד: מכסיקו

מידע כללי

קורות חיים



Ph.D.: Indiana University, Dept. of Comparative Literature,
Diss.: "The Aesthetics and Politics of the Holocaust Film"

1980 MA: Indiana University, Comparative Literature
1977-78 Graduate Studies, Indiana University, Theater department, playwriting
1976 BA: Hebrew University, majors: Philosophy and Drama
Academic position
1989-present Associate Professor, Film & TV Dept. Tel Aviv University
2002 - 05 Chairperson
2000 Fall Semester, the Padnos Visiting Professor,
Film & Video and Judaic Studies, University of Michigan.
1990 - 92 Visiting Lecturer, English Dept. Tel Aviv University
1990 (Fall) Visiting Professor, Judaic Studies, SUNY Albany.
1983 - 88 Asst. Professor, Dept. of Judaic and Near Eastern Languages and Literatures, the Ohio State University
1978 - 83 Associate Instructor, Film Studies, Indiana University
2004  Present Member, Israel Film Council
1996-04 Member of the Council for Cable TV and Satellite Broadcasting, and Chairperson of the Council Program Committee. The council regulates and supervises TV broadcasting on cable and satellite.
1991-1994, 1998-Pres Reader and juror, Israeli Film Fund
  Active participant and contributor to newspaper articles
and interviews, radio programs, and TV shows on issues of cinema,
the Holocaust, and Israeli culture.


































תחומי מחקר


1. Senior Producer, GIRLFRIENDS (1994)

The 52-minute documentary on women in the Holocaust was shown on Israeli TV in Yom HaShoah, 1994 & 1995. Credits also include script writer and academic adviser.

GIRLFRIENDS has been awarded First Prize in the 1995 Annual Jewish Video Competition, sponsored by the Judah Magnes Museum, The Jewish Museum of the West, Berkeley, California.


2. Associate Producer, PORTRAIT OF A PEOPLE (1979-1980)

An 18-part TV series on Jews and Judaism, produced by the Jewish Studies Program and the Instructional Television of Indiana University, 1979-80.

PORTRAIT OF A PEOPLE was the recipient of the William Haber Award of B'nai B'rith, and the William B. Shroder Award of the Council of Jewish Federations.


3. Academic Editor of 1-hour TV programs in Israel’s academic channel (also participant and anchorperson)

Calculated Risk: American Education System and Its Representation in Cinema” Fall 2001


Hollywood and American War History --
a series of 1-hour programs

Program 1: Dramatic Narratives and Imagery of War, Fall 2001

Program 2: American Cinema and the First World War, Winter 2002

Program 3: Hollywood and World War II, Winter 2002




Screenplay, “The Custodian,” sponsored by the Israel Film Fund, work in progress.


Screenplay, “Locked Garden,” an adaptation of Suzan Adam’s novel “Laundry,” sponsored by the Israel Film Fund, 2002-2003.


Script Editor, “Facing the Forests,” a 90-minute TV drama, based on the story by A. B. Yehoshua. The drama was directed by Danny Waxman and shown on channel 3 in 2001.


Script Editor, Les Enfant du Terrain Vague (ילדי שטח ההפקר), a French-Israeli co-production. The project is supported by the Israel Film Fund.

The script won first prize in the 2003 Albin competition.


Script Editor, THE SONG OF GALILEE, dir. Danny Waxman, a one-hour TV drama, December, 1996.


Script Editor, HAMONEH DOFEK, a dramatic TV series, prod. & dir. Yaki Yosha, May-June, 1995.


Script Editor, BETTI-BEN-BASSAT, an eight episode situation comedy, dir. Avi Cohen, prod. Yonathan Aroch, April-May, 1995.


Script Editor, POWER OF ATTORNEY, a 100-minute TV drama on Dov Gruner, shown on channel 3, March, 1994.


1. SHOAH (Claude Lanzmann's film)
Flicks Books, England, forthcoming.
2. The Israeli Scene: Language, Cinema, and Discourse  Teaching and Learning Hebrew through Israeli Films (in Hebrew)
Ramot: Tel Aviv University Press, 2005
3. Visions of Israel: Israeli Filmmakers and Images of the Jewish State The Jewish Media Fund, c/o Charles H. Revson Foundation, New York, 1997 Second, revised edition, 2002
4. Film Art: The Techniques and Poetics of Cinematic Expression
The Open University Press, 1995, (in Hebrew).
1. "The Holocaust Film in Historical and Cultural Context, In Teaching about the Holocaust and Artistic Creation, ed. Jean-Marc Dreyfus, forthcoming.
2.The National and the Popular in Israeli Cinema,
Shofar, forthcoming.
3. Jewish Cinema since 1973,
In Volume X: Contemporary Period, Nurith Gertz and Deborah Dash Moore editors, in THE POSEN LIBRARY OF JEWISH CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION, Yale University Press, James E. Young, Editor-in-Chief.
4. Kinneret Integrating Educational Activity with Visual Pleasure in Ulpan,
Hed Haulpan 86 (Summer 2003), pp. 18-25 (in Hebrew)
5. "Haradot Leumiyot, Siyutim Ishiyim, In Mabatim Fictiviim al ha-Kolnoah ha-Israeli, eds. Nurith Gertz, Judd Neeman, & Orli Lubin, Open University Press, 1998, pp. 160-179.
6. "National Nightmares, Personal Fears: The Holocaust Complex in Israeli Cinema,"
In Breaking Crystal: Writing after Auschwitz, ed., Efraim Sicher (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1997), pp. 137-159.
7. "Holocaust Movies and the Politics of Collective Memory,"
In Thinking about the Holocaust: After Half a Century, ed.
Alvin Rosenfeld (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997), pp. 38-58.
8. "Israeli Cinema and the Ending of Zionism,"
Twentieth Century Literary Criticism In Israel in the Nineties, eds.,
Fred Lazin and Greg Mahler, Florida State University Press, 1996,
pp. 153-168.
9. "The New German Cinema and the Politics of
Critical Reception," Tel Aviv Jahrbuch fur Deutsche Geschichte, XXIII/1994, pp. 207-217.
10. "The Historical Significance of DER EWIGE JUDE,"
The Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 13, no. 3 (1993), pp. 363-365.
11. "Documentation and formation of Historical Consciousness in Propaganda Films," Zmanim, vol. 10 (Winter, 1991), pp. 38-47
(in Hebrew).
12. "Die Mischpoche von Hollywood: Juden vor und hinter der Kamera," In Judische Lebenswelten: Essays, eds. A. Nachama, J. Schoeps, E. van Voolen, Germany: Berliner Festspiele GmbH, 1991, pp. 203-220.
13. "The Holocaust As Narrative: Story and Character in the Representation of the Concentration Camp Universe,"
Remembering for the Future (Oxford, England: Pergamon Press,1988), vol. 3, pp. 3-12.
14. "The Holocaust in the Israeli Theater in the Fifties and Sixties," Holocaust Studies Annual, Vol. 3 (1985), pp. 203-228.
15. "Christian Ideology and the Jewish Genocide in American Holocaust Movies,"
Holocaust Studies Annual, Vol. 3 (1985), pp. 21-42.
16. "The Theme of the Holocaust in Lea Goldberg's Work,"
The Interuniversity Conference Book on Hebrew Literature, Ziva Shamir ed., (Tel Aviv University Press, 1985), pp. 1-4.
17. "The Evolution of the Israelis' Attitude toward the Holocaust as Reflected in Modern Hebrew Drama,"
Hebrew Annual Review, Vol.9 (1985), pp. 31-52.
1. A Review of Claude Lanzmanns Sobibor, 14 octobre 1943, 16 heures ,
Hair special Cinema Section, September, 2001
2. Red Lines in the Representation of War (review of SAVING PRIVATE RYAN and THE THIN RED LINE), Zmanim 67 (Summer 1999), pp. 105-109.
3. The Jewish State: The Next Fifty Years (contribution to journal symposium), Azure 6 (Winter 1999), pp. 33-38. (Also in Hebrew, Tchelet, pp. 19-23).
The Public Historian, 18:2 (Spring 1996), pp. 120-122.
5.One Hundred Years for the Birth of Cinema
Mahshavot, 68 (September, 1996),
pp. 20-33 (An interview with journal editor, in Hebrew).
6. "Spielberg's List,"
Cinemateque, no. 74 (May-June, 1994), pp. 12-14 (in Hebrew).
7. "Robert J. Lifton, The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide,"
Nativ 1:1 (English issue, 1990), pp. 98-101.
8. "The Mysterious Messenger -- Eduard Schulte,"
Nativ 3:1 (January, 1990), pp. 48-51 (in Hebrew).
9. "Time and Testimony in Claude Lanzmann's Shoah,"
Nativ 2:2 (March, 1989), pp. 63-67 (in Hebrew).
10. "Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation," (a course syllabus)
In Modern Hebrew Literature in English Translation, ed. Leon I. Yudkin, New York: Markus Wiener, pp. 227-229, 1987.
11. "L. L. Langer, Versions of Survival: The Holocaust and the Human Spirit," Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Litterateur Comparee, Vol. 13:2, pp. 321-27, 1986.
12. "Tom Segev, 1949: The First Israelis,"
Shofar, Vol. 5:1, pp. 45-46, 1986.
13. "Alan Berger, Crisis and Covenant: The Holocaust in American Jewish Fiction," Martyrdom and Resistance, Vol. 12:5, pp. 2, 11, 1986.
14. "Holocaust Reflections: A Report on a Holocaust Seminar at Indiana University,"
Martyrdom and Resistance, Vol.11:4, pp.10,15, 1985.
15. "Patricia Erens, The Jew in the American Cinema,"
American Jewish History, Vol. 75:1, pp. 100-103, 1985.
16. "The Palestinians: A Political Horror Show" (film review),
Midstream, Vol. 26:1, pp. 48-50, 1980.
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