ד"ר לב קפיטיקין

עמית הוראה בחוג לתולדות האמנות
חוג לתולדות האמנות עמית הוראה
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408482
משרד: מקסיקו, 114

קורות חיים

Lev Kapitaikin was born in Sanct-Petersbourg, Russia and came to Israel in 1977.
He earned his BA, Arabic Literature & Classical Archaeology (1994) from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, and received his MA, History of Islamic Art (2001) at Tel-Aviv University. His master’s thesis - supervised by Asher Ovadiah and Hana Taragan - was on Themes of Courtly and Popular Entertainment in Fatimid Art: the Case of a Group of Lustre Ceramics in Reserve-Painting Technique. Working as professional archaeologist 1992-2000 at the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), he published studies on ceramics from the Persian, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Crusader, and Islamic periods. He obtained M. St (2001) and D. Phil (2011) in Islamic Art & Archaeology from Oxford University. His doctoral dissertation at Oxford - supervised by Jeremy Johns, the Khalili Research Centre - was on The Twelfth-Century Paintings of the Ceilings of the Cappella Palatina, Palermo (link to dissertation abstract). He now lectures at Tel Aviv University on Islamic and Byzantine arts focusing on the Muslim-Christian visual exchange in the Mediterranean.
BA , Arabic Literature / Classical Archaeology, summa cum laude, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
MA ,History of Islamic Art, Tel-Aviv University.
MSt., Islamic Art and Archaeology, Oxford University.
PhD, Islamic Art & Archaeology, Oxford University.
Thesis Title: The Twelfth-Century Paintings of the Ceilings of the Cappella Palatina, Palermo. (Link to abstract)
Academic position
Archaeologist, Israel Antiquities Authority.
Teaching-Assistant, Islamic Art, Art History Department, Tel-Aviv University.
Lecturer, Islamic and Christian Medieval Art, Art History Department, Tel-Aviv University.
Academic Awards
The Rector Award for Excellence, Hebrew University.
The Dean Award for Distinguished Students, Hebrew University.
A. Ostrovsky Award for Scholarly Excellence, Tel-Aviv University.
Clarendon Bursary & Overseas Research Student Award, Oxford University.
Ghazarian Fund Award (Travel Grant for Study of South-Italian Romanesque Sculpture), Oxford University.
Isaiah Berlin Fund Scholarship (Travel Grant for Study of South-Italian Romanesque Sculpture), Oxford University.
Alessandro Bruschettini Foundation for Islamic and Asian Art (Genova), Grant for Publication of Monograph on the Ceilings of the Cappella Palatina, Palermo.
Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Israel Council for Higher Education (VATAT) & Tel Aviv University.

תחומי מחקר

Lev Kapitaikin's primary interest lies with medieval art in Sicily and Southern Italy, ca. 800-1300, as a manifestation of multi-cultural Islamic-Christian synthesis. Other fields of research include: Islamic Art in the Mediterranean; Fatimid art; Byzantine imperial art and visual panegyrics; Islamic animal-symbolism and Arabic zoological and oneirocritical literature; Ceramics in the Levant (Persian through Mamluk periods).

Active Participation in Scientific Meetings


"The Ceilings of the Aisles of the Cappella Palatina, Palermo: A Report on Research in Progress," International Conference: Art and Form in Norman Sicily, British School of Archaeology & Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome, December 2002.

"The Lion and the Serpent and Other Romanesque Motifs in the ‘Islamic’ ceilings of the
Cappella Palatina (Palermo)," Peregrinations : 11th Annual Medieval Post-graduate Student Colloquium, Courtauld Institute of Art, London, February 2006. Abstract : http://www.courtauld.ac.uk/researchforum/conferences/programmes/pere-abstracts.pdf

"Coptic Painters ? in the Islamic Ceilings of the Cappella Palatina in Palermo," Third Annual
Meeting of the Israeli Association for Byzantine Studies, Tel Aviv University, January 2010

"Egypt in Sicily: Fatimid and Christian Painting in the Ceilings of the Royal Chapel of Palermo in the Twelfth Century", Studies in Archaeology and Ancient Art : Conferences convened by the Israel Antiquities Authority & the Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, February 2010.

Ongoing and Completed Projects

Comprehensive Database of the Paintings of the Ceilings of the Cappella Palatina, Palermo.
the Barakat Trust and Khalili Research Centre, Oxford University. http://krc.orient.ox.ac.uk/krc/staff/20.html


with Jeremy Johns, Database of the Arabic Inscriptions in the Ceilings of the Cappella Palatina, Palermo.


Levantine Mirage’, A database of 19th-century photographs of the Levant in the collection of the Griffith Institute, Oxford University. http://www.griffith.ox.ac.uk/gri/4mirlev.html

Archaeological Analysis & Preservation at Travessa das Freiras, a site of the Medieval Islamic City-wall of Faro, Algarve (Portugal).


with Martin Pielstöcker, "BeitDajan," Hadashot Arkheologiyot – Excavations and Surveys in Israel 108 (1998), pp. 84-5 (Hebrew).
"Ceramics and other Finds of the Early-, the Medieval- and the Late- Islamic Periods from the Excavations in Ramle (Palmah and E. Cohen)," In Qedem Reports, Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
"Ceramics and Steatite Vessels from the Excavations in Ramle (Nesher)," In Qedem Reports, Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
"Early-Byzantine and Early-Islamic Ceramics, Liturgical Stone-Furniture and Fresco-Fragments from the Excavations at the Monastery of St. Euthymios (Khān al-Ahmar) in the Judean Desert," In Qedem Reports, Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
with Edwin C. M. van den Brink, "Structural Remains and Remnants of a Bathhouse Dating from the Late Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods and Sporadic Earlier Vestiges at Azor, Central Coastal Plain," Atiqot.
with Martin Peilstocker, "Excavations at Bet Dagan (Beit Dajan)," Atiqot.
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