The Same Play, Different Masks

Andrei Strihan
Translated from Romanian: Adrian Radu Solomon

החוקר.ת מאחורי המחקר

Born on April 13, 1924 at Roman.

PhD in Aesthetics. Professor of Aesthetics at I. L. Cara-giale Institute for Theater and Film in Bucharest (1950-1976).

Professor of Theater History at the Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University (1977-1992).

Author of "O aventura es-tetica cu Teodor Mazilu" (An Aesthetic Adventure with Teodor Mazilu), Ed. Stiinti-fica, Bucharest, 1972; "Contu-ruri scenice" (Stage Con-tours), Ed. Eminescu, Bucharest, 1975; "Le pouvoir du comique" (The Power of the Comic), Typo-Studio Ijak, Tel Aviv, 1979; "Siluete" (Silhouettes), Redactia Publicatiilor pentru Strainatate, Bucharest, 1999; "Leone de' Sommi, precursor al regiei moderne" (Leone de' Sommmi, Fore-runner of Modern Stage Management), Cartea Romaneasca, 2001, and numerous studies of theater theory and theater history published in Israel, France, Germany, the UK, Brazil, Italy, Chile, Romania.

Member of the Israeli Writers' Association, Israel Journa-lists' Union, Romanian Writers' Union, the International Fe-deration for Theater Research (IFTR) / International Asso-ciation of Theater Critics (IATC).


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