הרצאת הקולוקוויום - טרופיקליזם צחיח: בין ברזיל וישראל. עבודות המדבר של צבי דקל והשפעתו של רוברטו בורלה מרקס

בני ברזילאי


28 בנובמבר 2022, 14:00 
Arid Tropicalism

הרצאת הקולוקוויום תתקיים במקסיקו חדר 206 א'

ביום שני 28.11.22 בשעה 14-16



בני ברזילאי


Arid Tropicalism: between Brazil and Israel. The desert projects of Zvi Dekel and the influence of Roberto Burle Marx


The research examines the development of landscape architecture in Israel from 1960 onwards, focusing on its local modernism and the way in which it is reflected in the desert works of landscape architect Zvi Dekel (b. 1929). Dekel stands as one of the leading landscape architects in Israel, notably for his projects in the nation’s dry south. However, what steers this research is the fact that Dekel learned landscape architecture from Roberto Burle Marx (1909-1994), one of the most important modern landscape architects in the world. Dekel moved to Brazil in the 1950s to study and work with him, meeting a modernity that was not only acknowledged but digested into a unique local style. Upon his return to Israel, Dekel imported the principles he found in Brazil and molded them into a local modernism, developing a unique design language for intervening in the mythical Israeli desert - a landscape contrasting with the Brazilian tropical rainforests .

The research is structured from a broader conceptual framework of landscape architecture, nationalism, and modernity, through Brazil and Israel’s relation to their mythical landscapes, to finally reach a more specific view and analysis of Dekel’s work. Tracing the complex relationship between the design of a local landscape with the local identity and culture, a new term regarding Dekel’s work was created; arid tropicalism. Three case studies reflect how Dekel’s approach to the desert evolved through different stages of his career, representing a variety of levels of scale, form, and texture. They include the Avishur neighborhood in Arad (1967), the Albert promenade in Mitzpe Ramon (1989), and the Mount Avnon Lookout, near Yeruham (1994).


Beni Barzellai is a Brazilian architect and urban planner based in Tel Aviv. He holds an MA from the Technion in landscape architecture (2022) and studied architecture and urban planning at PUC-Rio in Brazil (2011). He currently works at the landscape architecture office Tsurnamal Turner.






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