פרסומי סגל - מאמרים אקדמיים

לרשימת המאמרים לחצו על שם המרצה:

הרחב הכל
ד"ר רועי קוזלובסקי

A. Books 


2013                          The Architectures of Childhood; Children, Modern Architecture and Reconstruction in Postwar England. London: Ashgate


B. Refereed Articles


2019                       "Pairing Le Corbusier and the Affordances of Comparisons to Architectural History." The Journal of Architecture. (Accepted Dec. 2018)

2017                       Y. Grobman, R. Kozlovsky, "A Multifunctional Computational Approach to Waterfront Design." Architectural Science Review. 60:6, 2017 (pp 446-459).

Dec 2016               R. Kozlovsky, Y. Grobman. "The Blue Garden: Coastal Infrastructure as Ecologically Enhanced Wave-scapes." Landscape Research Journal, 42:5, Dec 2016 (pp 439-454).

June 2015                 The “Glocal” Dynamics ofConstruction Labor and Digital Architecture: Preston Scott Cohen’s Addition tothe Tel Aviv Museum as Case Study. Journal of Building Construction andPlanning Research, 3, 82-94.

May 2014                  Kozlovsky R. and Grobman, Y. "Wave Park: A Techno-biological Model for developing the Israel Shorelines." Ecology & Environment 5:1, 86-88.

Nov. 2010                 “The Architecture of Educare: Motion and Emotion in Postwar Educational Spaces,” History of Education Journal 39:6, 695-712.


C. Articles in Architectural Journals (not peer reviewed)


2005                           “Beat Literature and the Domestication of American Space.” AA Files 51, 36–49

2004                            "The Child Grilled at CIAM." In Situ no. 7/8, 2004 (pp. 88–105)     

2003                           “Necessity by Design.” Perspecta 34, 10-27


D. Refereed Essays in Academic Publications


2019                          R. Kozlovvsky & N. Feniger. "Detour along the way; the co-production of preservation and transportation infrastructure." Scientific Bonanzas: Infrastructures as places of knowledge production, eds,. E. C. Heine  and M. Meiske. Pittsburg, PA: Pittsburg University Press, 2019.

2017                            "Siting Construction: Agency, Reflexivity and Temporality at the Glocal Construction Site," in Producing Non-Simultaneity: construction sites as places of progressiveness and continuity eds., E. C. Heine  and C. Rauhut, London: Routledge

2015                           "Architecture, Emotions, and the History of Childhood." Childhood, Youth and Emotions in Modern History: Global, Imperial and National Perspectives, ed. Stephanie Olsen. London: Palgrave.

June   2013               “The Architectures of Childhood.” The Children’s Table; Childhood Studies in the Humanities, ed. Anna Mae Duane. Athens: Georgia University Press. 124-144.

Nov.   2008               “Urban Play: Intimate Space and Postwar Subjectivity.” The Intimate Metropolis, ed. Vittoria Di Palma, Diana Periton & Marina Lathouri. London: Routledge. 195-217.

July    2008               “Temporal States of Architecture.” Modernism and the Middle East; Politics of the Built environment, ed. Kishwar Rizvi and Sandy Isenstadt. University of Washington Press. 140-161.

Jan.     2008              “Adventure Playgrounds and Postwar Reconstruction.” Designing Modern Childhoods: History, Space, and the Material Culture of Children, An International Reader, ed. Marta Gutman and Ning de Coninck-Smith. Rutgers University Press. 171-190.

Forking Path: De-scripting interchange architecture at the Ayalon Crosstown Expressway. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 8:3, 2019 (pp. 332-347).    


 Technology Transfer of Urban Highways and Interchange Design in the 1960s: The Case of the Ayalon Crosstown Expressway, Israel. Journal of Transport History, 41:3, 2020 (pp. 434-457). 

 N. Feniger, R. Kozlovsky. Expressway Urbanism: Highway Planning and the Reimagining of Tel Aviv Jaffa. Planning Perspectives. (accepted March 2020) 

 Programming Emotional Care: The Nuffield Study of the Children's Hospital, 1963. Childhood in the Past, 13:2, 2020 (pp. 121-137).  

  R. Kozlovsky, N. Feniger. Landscapes of Calculations. Landscape Research. (accepted August 2020). 


E. Essays published in conference proceedings:


2014                            "On the Shores of Architecture: Computational Fluid Dynamics in Architectural Design." Rethinking Comprehensive Design; Speculative  Counterculture. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2014). Kyoto: Kyoto Institute of Technology. 853-862.


F. Chapters in Books (not peer reviewed)


April  2010                “Les terrains d’aventure et la reconstruction d’après-guerre.” Anthologie aires de jeux d’artistes, ed. Vincent Romagny. Paris: Infolio. 33-67.

Oct.      2006             “A Short History of the Slide.” Carsten Höller: Test Site. London: Tate Modern. 36-53.

June      2004            “Beat Spaces,” Cold War Hot Houses; Inventing Postwar Culture, from Plastics to Playboy, ed. Beatriz Colomina et al. New York: Princeton Architectural Press. 190-215.


G. Book Reviews in Peer Reviewed Journals


Spring 2010              Book Review of A History of Children’s Play and Play Environments by Joe L. Frost.  American Journal of Play 2:4, 478-481.  

Dec.    2007              Book Review of A Manufactured Wilderness; Summer Camps and the Shaping of American Youth, 1890–1960, by Abigail A. Van Slyck, and American Playgrounds; Revitalizing Community Space,  by Susan G. Solomon. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 65:4, 539-542. 

פרופ' טליה מרגלית


Articles Published in Scientific Journals


T. Margalit, Israeli real estate buzz: Popular ventures, planning discourse and media coverage, Planning Theory and Practice,  2022, https://doi.org/10.1080/14649357.2022.2051593


Margalit, T., In Depth Investigation of Tel-Aviv's High-Rise Buildings: Prestige at the Top, Zmanim 96: Milestones – Beginnings of Architecture in Israel, 2006 (Hebrew, pp. 106-116). (בניה לגובה בתל אביב- ירידה לשורשי היוקרה)



T. Margalit, Public assets versus public interest- fifty years of high-rise building in Tel Aviv, Geography Research Forum, vol. 29, 2009, (pp. 47-81).



T. Margalit, Land, Politics and High-Rise Planning: Ongoing Development Practices in Tel Aviv–Yafo, Planning Perspectives, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2013, (pp. 373–397).



T. Margalit, Multi-Spot-Zoning: a chain of public-private development ventures in Tel Aviv, Cities 37C, 2014, (pp. 73-81).



T. Blockland, C. Hentschel, A. Holm, H., T. Margalit, Urban Citizenship and the Right to the City: The Fragmentation of Claims in Berlin and Tel Aviv, Symposium, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Volume 39, Issue 4, July 2015, pages 655–665.



N. Cohen, and T. Margalit, ‘There are really two cities here’: Narratives of fragmented urban citizenship in Tel Aviv, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Volume 39, Issue 4, July 2015, (pp. 666–686).



T. Margalit, and Vertes, E., Planning allocations and the stubborn north–south divide in Tel Aviv–Jaffa, Planning Theory and Practice, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2015, (pp. 226–247).  



T. Margalit, and N. Alfasi, The undercurrents of entrepreneurial development: Impressions from a globalizing city, Environment and Planning A, Vol. 48(10), 2016 (pp. 1967–1987)



T. Margalit and E. Vertes, Do planners hate the poor? Planning allocations in southern and northern Tel Aviv- Jaffa (האם מתכננים שונאים עניים? הקצאות תכנון בין צפון ודרום תל אביב יפו) Motar 22-23, 2016 (Hebrew, pp. 85-96).


A. Kemp and T. Margalit, Resisting Neo-Liberal Skylines- Social Mobilisations and Entrepreneurial Urban Development in Tel Aviv, International Development Policy | Revue internationale de politique de développement, 8 | 2017, (pp. 164-188).



T. Margalit and A. Kemp, Stratified and defensive democracy: Hearings on Objections to Plans in Nine Israeli Cities, Urban Studies, Vol. 56(16) 2019 (3504–3521).



T. Margalit and A. Kemp, The uneven geographies of post-political planning: Objections to urban regeneration projects in peripheral and central Israeli cities, Environmental and planning A, Vol. 51 (4) 2019.



J. Dortheimer and T. Margalit, Open-source architecture and questions of intellectual property, tacit knowledge and liability, The Journal of Architecture, 25:3, 276-294, 2020 .



T. Margalit and N. Mualam, Selective rescaling, inequality and popular growth coalitions: The case of the Israeli national plan for earthquake preparedness, Land Use Policy 99, 2020.



N. Alfasi and T. Margalit, Toward the Sustainable Metropolis: The Challenge of Planning Regulation. Sustainability 2021, 13(15)



T. Margalit , A significant silence: Single mothers and the current Israeli housing discourse.  Geoforum. 122,  2021, Pages 129-139



 T. Margalit, Three Dimensions of Enclosure and More: High Rise Buildings in Tel Aviv,

(מגדלי יוקרה בתל אביב- גידור בשלושה ממדים ועוד אחד) Law, Society and Culture: Gated Communities in Israel, Amnon Lehavi, ed., Tel Aviv University, The Buchman Faculty of Law 2010, (Hebrew, pp. 262-310).


T. Margalit, A Planning Deal, (עסקה תכנונית), The Planners, Planning Discourse in Israel, Tovi Fenster and Tali Hatuka, eds., Tel Aviv, Resling, 2013, (Hebrew, pp. 179-196)


N. Alfasi and T. Margalit, The challenge of regulating private planning initiatives, Private Urban Planning: Opportunities and Limitations, David Andersson and Stefano Moroni (eds), Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar publishing, 2013 (pp. 269-293).


T. Margalit, Breakfast at Tiffany’s: Young planners mobilizing against the planning of towers in Tel Aviv, From planning student to urban planner: Young practitioners’ reflections on contemporary ethical challenges,  Tuna Tasan-Kok and Mark Orange (eds), 2017, Taylor & Francis/Routledge, New York, (pp. pp. 88-106). (6,692 words)


T. Margalit, Apartments, planning and the urban citizenship of single mothers Tamrurot, Tal Amir, editor, Hargol, 2017 (pp. 117-125),(דירות, תכנון ואזרחות עירונית חד הורית) (3,590 words)




T. Margalit, Planning and Physical Development in Israeli Cities ((תכנון ובניה בערי ישראל, Local Governance in Israel: Between state, community and market economy, 2, Chapter 9, editors: Yagil levy and Eti Sarig, Raanna, The Open University, 2013 (Hebrew, pp. 533-610).





T. Margalit, Building- Garden- Sea- City- State: Tel-Aviv Hilton,

Yaacov Rechter, Architect, Tel Aviv, Hakibbutz Hameuchad Red Series, 2003 (Hebrew, pp. 26-45) (בנין- גן- ים- עיר- מדינה: מלון הילטון , תל אביב)



Margalit, T. , Towers are Signs (מגדלים הם סימנים), El Hamaa'yan- The Yarkon Stream as a Cross- Section in Israeli Metropolis, Meira Yagid- Haimovic Editor, Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv Museum of Arts, 2006 (Hebrew, pp. 66-85).


פרופ' אפרת בלומנפלד-ליברטל
  1. Benguigui, L., and E. Blumenfeld-Lieberthal. "A new classification of city size distributions." Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 31, no. 6 (2006): 648-666.



    Benguigui, Lucien, Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, and Daniel Czamanski. "The dynamics of the Tel Aviv morphology." Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 33, no. 2 (2006): 269-284.



    Benguigui, Lucien, and Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal. "From lognormal distribution to power law: A new classification of the size distributions." International Journal of Modern Physics C 17, no. 10 (2006): 1429-1436.



    Benguigui, Lucien, and Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal. "A dynamic model for city size distribution beyond Zipf's law." Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 384, no. 2 (2007): 613-627.



    Benguigui, Lucien, and Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal. "Beyond the power law–a new approach to analyze city size distributions." Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 31, no. 6 (2007): 648-666.



    Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, Efrat, Iris Aravot, and Daniel Czamanski. "Studying urban development in Tel Aviv, based on its morphology alone." Emergence: Complex. Organ 11 (2009): 35.


    Benguigui, Lucien, and Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal. "The temporal evolution of the city size distribution." Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 388, no. 7 (2009): 1187-1195.



    Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, Efrat. "The topology of transportation networks: a comparison between different economies." Networks and Spatial Economics 9, no. 3 (2009): 427-458.



    Benguigui, Lucien, and Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal. "The end of a paradigm: is Zipf’s law universal?." Journal of geographical systems 13, no. 1 (2011): 87-100.



    Fisher-Gewirtzman, D., and E. Blumenfeld-Liberthal. "An agent-based model for simulating urban morphology: Sachnin as a case study." Survey Review 44, no. 325 (2012): 162-167.



    Weiss, Shahaf, Osnat Yaski, David Eilam, Juval Portugali, and Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal. "Network analysis of rat spatial cognition: behaviorally-established symmetry in a physically asymmetrical environment." PloS one 7, no. 7 (2012): e40760.



    Weiss, S., O. Yaski, E. Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, J. Portugali, and D. Eilam. "Application of a Network-Analysis Algorithm for the Definition of Locations in Open Field Behavior: How Rats Establish Behavioral Symmetry in Spatial Asymmetry." Measuring Behavior 2012 (2012): 414.



    Serok, Nimrod, and Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal. "A Simulation model for intra-urban movements." PloS one 10, no. 7 (2015): e0132576.



    Rigler, Or, and Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal. "Flora: a visualisation method for analysing personal networks." International Journal of Society Systems Science 8, no. 1 (2016): 78-97.



    Shushan, Yossi, Juval Portugali, and Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal. "Using virtual reality environments to unveil the imageability of the city in homogenous and heterogeneous environments." Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 58 (2016): 29-38.



    Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, Efrat, Nimrod Serok, and Elya L. Milner. "What Makes Us Think It's a City?." Built Environment 44, no. 2 (2018): 177-191.



    Serok, Nimrod, Orr Levy, Shlomo Havlin, and Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal. "Unveiling the inter-relations between the urban streets network and its dynamic traffic flows: Planning implication." Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 46, no. 7 (2019): 1362-1376.



    Hagbi, Zohar, Alexandra Dorfman, Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, and David Eilam. "“It’s all in their head”: hierarchical exploration of a three-dimensional layered pyramid in rats." Animal Cognition 23, no. 2 (2020): 277-288.



    Goren, Heela, Miri Yemini, Claire Maxwell, and Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal. "Terminological “Communities”: A Conceptual Mapping of Scholarship Identified With Education’s “Global Turn”." Review of Research in Education 44, no. 1 (2020): 36-63.



    Gielman, Simona, Zohar Hagbi, Yuval Dulitzky, Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, and David Eilam. "How do rodents explore a three-dimensional environment? Habitat-dependent and direction-dependent differences." Behavioural processes 178 (2020): 104183.




    Benguigui, L., E. Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, and M. Batty. "Macro and micro dynamics of city size distributions: The case of Israel." In Reggiani, Aura, and Peter Nijkamp, eds. Complexity and spatial networks: in search of simplicity. Springer Science & Business Media, 2009.




    Benguigui, Lucien, Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, and Michael Batty. "Macro and Micro Dynamics of the City Size Distribution." In Complexity and Spatial Networks, pp. 33-49. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009.


    Benguigui, Lucien and Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal. "The rank-size representation of the income distributions." in Wadell, Irving H. Income Distribution: Inequalities, Impacts, and Incentives. Nova Science Publishers, 2009.


    Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, Efrat, and Juval Portugali. "Network cities: A complexity-network approach to urban dynamics and development." In Geospatial Analysis and Modelling of Urban Structure and Dynamics, pp. 77-90. Springer, Dordrecht, 2010.


    Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, Efrat, and Juval Portugali. "Metronet: A metropolitan simulation model based on commuting processes." In International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems, pp. 96-103. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.



    Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, Efrat, and David Eilam. "Physical, behavioral and spatiotemporal perspectives of home in humans and other animals." In Complexity, Cognition, Urban Planning and Design, pp. 127-149. Springer, Cham, 2016.




ד"ר נועם שוקד

Shoked, Noam. “Design and Contestation in the Jewish Settlement of Hebron, 1967-1987.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 79, no.1 (March 2020): 82-102.



Shoked, Noam. “Housing Others: Design and Identity in a Bedouin Village.” International Journal of Islamic Architecture 8, no. 2 (July 2019): 307–35.



Shoked, Noam. “Rabbis, Architects, and the Design of Ultra-Orthodox City-Settlements.” In Social Housing in the Middle East: Architecture, Urban Development, and Transnational Modernity, edited by Kıvanç Kılınç and Mohammad Gharipour, 241–66. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2019.


Shoked, Noam. “Hanging Out with Cyclists.” Boom: A Journal of California 6, no. 3 (September 2016): 84-88.


ד"ר פאתינה אבריק - זבידאת



Published Articles:

Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina* and Nitzan-Shiftan, Alona. “Architectural development in Conflict in Gaza City, 1972-1982”, Ethnic and Racial Studies Journal 44, no.6, (2021), pp. 987-1007.


Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina* and Avermaete, Tom. “Concrete Conflicts: The Vicissitudes of an Ordinary Material in Modernizing Gaza City”, Urban History, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1177/0096144220983037.


Avermaete, Tom*; de Lalouvière, Nicole; et.al.; Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina; et al.; Zaugg, Maxime “The Viral Balcony: Or the Vicissitudes of an Urban Element in Times of Pandemics”, gta Journal, Jasper S. Adam ed. Special Issue “Social Distance” (2021), pp. 139-151


Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina* and Nitzan-Shiftan, Alona. "Gaza: The Right to Urban History in Conflict, 1975- 1982", Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263775820955196.


Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina* and Nitzan-Shiftan, Alona. "Being Citizens of the City of Gaza: The resettlement of the Al-Shati Refugee Camp at Sheikh Radwan, 1967-1982", Citizenship Studies, 24, no. 8, (2020): 1030-1046.


Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina. "The Palestinian Refugee Camps: The Promise of 'Ruin' and 'Loss'", Rethinking History Journal 19, no. 1, (2014), pp. 72-94.


Published Book Chapters

Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina. “In the name of Belonging: Developing Sheikh Radwan for the refugees in Gaza City, 1967-1982”, in Making Home(s) in Displacement: Critical Reflections on a Spatial Practice. eds., Luce Beeckmans, Alessandra Gola, Ashika Singh, Hilde Heynen (Leuven University Press, Under press, 2021). pp.113-135.


Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina* and Nitzan-Shiftan Alona. ’De-Camping’ through Development: The Palestinian Refugee Camps in Gaza, 1967–1982.”, in Camps Revisited: Multifaceted Spatialities of a Modern Political Technology, eds., Irit Katz, Diana Martin, and Claudio Minca, (New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2018), pp. 137-157.


Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina*. “To Act within the ‘Refugee Camps’: Dheisheh Camp as a case study, 1948-1967”, (לפעול בתוך ׳מחנה הפליטים׳: מחנה דהיישה כמקרה בוחן, 1948 - 1967), in Visual Culture in Israel: An Anthology, eds., Sivan Rajuan Shtang, and Noa Hazan, (Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad publishing house Ltd, 2017), 280- 309 [in Hebrew]

Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina* and Ben-Arie, Ronnen. "To Be at Home", in Nihilism and the State of Israel: New Critical Perspectives, eds., Nitzan Lebovic and Roy Ben-Shai, (New York: Continuum Publishing Corporation, 2014), pp. 205-226.



Book Review

Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina. Open Gaza: Architecture of Hope, edited by Michael Sorkin and Deen Sharp, Co-published with Terreform, Distributed by Two Rivers / Ingram Academic, Journal of Palestine Studies, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1080/0377919X.2021.20


Haick, Hossam*; Lavie, Peretz; Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina#.  “Arab Students Thrive in Israeli University”, Nature, 581 (7), 30, 2020. Q1


Conference Proceedings

Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina* and Ben-Arie, Ronnen. “Recreating the Public through Transformation”, Metamorphosis, The Continuity of Change (Docomomo, Slovenia, 2018), 96-100.


Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina. "Transformative Destruction in Gaza City: 1967 1982".  Entangled Histories, Multiple Geographies, (EAHN, Belgrade 2015), 48-53. 


Other Publications

Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina. “Gaza and the Right of Urban History”, Social History blog; Haaretz Newspaper, October 28, 2021, https://www.haaretz.co.il/blogs/sadna/BLOG-1.10329093


Abreek-Zubiedat, Fatina. "Nostalgia", (נוסטלגיה), Block, 5, 2008. [in Hebrew]



ד"ר אפרת הילדסהיים


Hildesheim, Efrat and Alon-Mozes, Tal. 2022. "The landscape of Route 854 in Israel's Galilee: Integrating Nature, Construction, and Art in the Service of a National Project". Journal of Transport History. https://doi.org/10.1177/00225266221142146 

Hildesheim, Efrat, Alon-Mozes, Tal and Neuman, Eran. 2022. "On, In and Within a Place: Six Modes of Operation in Israeli Conceptual Art and Landscape Architecture in the 1970s." Israel Studies Review. 105-135. https://doi.org/10.3167/isr.2022.370106 

Hildesheim, Efrat. 2021. "Landscape and National Modernism in Israel's Highway 90: The Case of the Northwest Dead Sea Segment, 1967-1971." Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes. 309-326. https://doi.org/10.1080/14601176.2021.2005351.

Hildesheim Efrat. 2020. "Landscape syncope: desire, power and the presence-absence of landscape." Culture, Theory and Critique 61:4, 404-423. https://doi.org/10.1080/14735784.2021.1912621

Hildesheim, Efrat. 2019. "The Spatial Politics of Road-Signs and Signboards in a Borderoad Landscape: The Case of Road No. 90." Horizons in Geography 97: 6-28. (Hebrew).

Hildesheim, Efrat. 2018. "Landscape Syncope." Mafteákh Lexical Review for Political Thought 13: 111-142. (Hebrew).

Hildesheim, Efrat. 2012. "Guerrilla Gardening and the Multitude." History and Theory: The Protocols, 26. Bezalel Academy for Arts and Design Jerusalem, no page numbers. (Hebrew) https://journal.bezalel.ac.il/he/protocol/article/3408


Book Chapters – Peer-reviewed

Hildesheim Efrat. 2022. "'Border Ahead': On Signboards as an Interpellative Mechanism of Order and Control in the Borderoad Landscape of Israel's Highway 90".  In On Surveillance and Control at Borders and Boundaries. Alejandro Gonzalez Milea and Olympia Niglio (eds.). Roma: tab edizioni. 377-402.


Publications and Book Chapters

Hildesheim, Efrat. (2023 in print). "Israeli Road No. 90 and the National Project of Modernism." Docomomo Landscapes Book: Selections from the Docomomo Registers.

Hildesheim, Efrat. 2022. "Deterritorialization, Hybridity and Conflict: The Dialectics of the Gardens to Go". KERB 30 – RMIT's International Landscape Architecture Journal, Melbourne. An invited article.

Hildesheim, Efrat. 2017. "Making a Place: Israeli Landscape Architecture of the 1970s." In Gardens are for people: Gideon Sarig, Landscape Architecture. Edited by Nurit Lissovsky and Tal Alon-Mozes, 140-153. Independent publishing. (Hebrew)

אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות נא לפנות בהקדם לכתובת שכאן >>